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Tipologia: Corso Online
Moduli: 11
ORE: 8
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Workers Training Course Low Risk

Tipologia: Corso Online
Moduli: 11
ORE: 8
Crediti Rilasciati:

Indice contenuti scheda

Description of the Workers Training Course Low Risk

Provide participants with the insights and updates necessary to know the principles of the Prevention and Protection System adopted at the Companies and through which tools and strategies the worker is called to operate to preserve the state of safety on site working.

Pursuant to article no. 37 of the Legislative decree no. 81/08 e s.m.i., corrective of the legislative decree no. 106/09, State-Regions Agreement, directory acts no. 221/CSR, of 21.12.2011 and State-Regions Agreement, directory acts no. 128/CSR, of 7.7.2016.

Program of the Workers Training Course Low Risk

  • MODULE 1 Risk evaluation
  • MODULE 2 Corporate relationship system
  • MODULE 3 Figures in the company
  • MODULE 4 Internal control
  • MODULE 5 Safety duties, procedures and requirements
  • MODULE 6 Types of risk
  • MODULE 7 Fire prevention and emergency and evacuation procedures
  • MODULE 8 Safety signs
  • MODULE 9 Physical risks
  • MODULE 10 Electromagnetic risks
  • MODULE 11 Biological risks

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Method of Carrying Out

The Course is carried out completely online in e-learning mode. You can take the course from a PC, smartphone or tablet, whenever and wherever you want.

Final Exam and release of the Certificate

The assessment of learning is carried out by passing a mandatory online test.

Passing the test takes place with at least 90% of the correct answers and, if you are unable to pass the final exam, this can be repeated without further costs, once the preparation has been refined.

At the end of the course on the use of diisocyanates, a valid certificate will be issued pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2008 n. 81 and subsequent amendments, of the Region State Agreement of 21.12.2011 and of the D.M. 2 September 2021, which can be spent for work purposes and for the fulfillment of the training obligation established by the relevant legislation.

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Perché Scegliere i Nostri Corsi?

Alteredu è un’azienda Certificata UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 per l’attività di “Progettazione ed Erogazione di Corsi di Formazione Professionale– EA37, che garantisce quindi percorsi di formazione di alta qualità, fortemente qualificanti ed in grado di rispondere alle esigenze dei clienti nel rispetto del Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità.
 Alteredu è inoltre Ente Provider accreditato da Ente di Parte Terza per il rilascio della Certificazione delle Competenze sul corso e relativi CFP (Crediti Formativi Professionali) non formali, nonché della Certificazione Professionale alla Persona, per l’accrescimento e l’approfondimento delle competenze in vari ambiti professionali.
 Tutti i corsi di Alteredu sono svolti da docenti altamente qualificati (professionisti di settore, docenti con consolidata esperienza di formazione, docenti universitari).
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