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Tipologia: Corso Online
Moduli: 8
ORE: 4
Crediti Rilasciati:
Costo: € 137

Workers General Training Online Course (Formazione Generale dei Lavoratori in Lingua Inglese)

€ 137
Tipologia: Corso Online
Moduli: 8
ORE: 4
Crediti Rilasciati:

Indice contenuti scheda

Description of the Workers General Training Online Course

To promote and maintain safety in the company, the first step to take is the general training of workers . However, there are some foreign workers who do not speak Italian well and therefore struggle to understand some key concepts. In this regard, Alteredu offers the first course in Italy on safety dubbed entirely in English . It should be noted that:

  • The course has been DOUBLED 100% in English to facilitate comprehension, instead of resorting to simple subtitles that can distract or not solve the problem for those with reading difficulties.
  • The assessment tests are present and are completely in English (it is possible to request solutions to assist the user if necessary). The initial project document has also been translated.
  • However, access to the platform remains in Italian , so users will still have to enter their credentials and use the basic functions to proceed in the modules with buttons and menus in Italian.

Normative requirements

The art. 37 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 establish the obligation to train all workers regarding safety in the workplace . The State Regions Agreement of 21/12/2011, in regulating in detail the methods of administering this training, establishes that each worker must receive general training, and a specific one on the risks characteristic of the activity carried out. The same Agreement establishes that general training can be provided in e-learning mode.


The Online workers’ general training course is aimed at companies from all sectors, schools, public and private entities, employees and workers from all sectors. In particular, it is aimed at all companies with foreign workers or anyone who is familiar with the English language.

Workers General Training Online Course program

This course, lasting no less than 4 hours, will analyze the following contents in the various training modules:

  • Concepts of risk
  • Damage
  • Prevention
  • Protection
  • Organization of business prevention
  • Rights, duties and sanctions of the various company subjects
  • Supervisory bodies
  • Control and assistance.

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Methods of carrying out

The course can be used online on the E-Learning platform in total autonomy, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Certificate of the Workers General Training Online Course

At the end of the course, a valid certificate will be issued pursuant to art. 37 paragraph 1 letter a) Legislative Decree 81/2008 . This certificate is issued pursuant to and for the uses referred to in art. 37 paragraph 14 Legislative Decree 9 April 2008 n. 81 and the State Regions Agreements 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016.

Why choose our courses?

Alteredu is a UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certified company for the activity of ” Design and Provision of Professional Training Courses “, which therefore guarantees high quality training courses, highly qualifying and able to meet the needs of customers in compliance with the Quality Management System.
 Alteredu is also an accredited Provider Body for the release of ECP Credits (Continuing Professional Education) for the growth and deepening of skills in various professional fields.
 All Alteredu courses are held by highly qualified teachers (professionals in the sector, teachers with consolidated training experience, university professors).

Arricchisci il tuo Curriculum con gli Attestati riconosciuti rilasciati da Alteredu e certificati ISO 9001:2015!
